Friday, July 31, 2009

I Swear, I Won't Buy Anymore Clothes!

Top picture: A winter coat (I couldn't pass it up!), a so soft running suit and his FIRST HALLOWEEN OUTFIT! CAN'T WAIT!
Bottom picture: Off our Restoration Hardware Registry - it's cashmere and so cuddly!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gymboree is Addictive

I had some GYMBUCKS to use and they were burning a hole in my pocket!

Daddy's First Baby Clothes Purchase

I took Tom to Outlet Stores when we were on vacation and had him pick out his first baby clothes. He was so CUTE! You can definitely tell the one outfit had to be picked out by a man! Can you guess which one??

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Latest Doctor Appointment

Yesterday I went to my 1st "every 2 week" visit. The baby's heart rate was 144, up from the last time when it was 138.
I was very excited because I saw my favorite doctor out of the practice. She came in and we had a 20 + minute book discussion. Now I love her even more! She is so well read and into children, teen and adult books. She was even about to start Twilight! Plus, she looked at my green toe nail plus and said, "Oh! I wish I was that ballsy!" I mean, seriously, wouldn't you want this doctor to deliver your baby? I do!
Also, I asked my doctor about my weird flesh eating disease on my thumb. She thought it was some sort of fungus and recommended I get a jock itch cream for it! WHAT?! I have jock itch on my thumb?! I don't get it!

Third Trimester

I am now into my third trimester and feeling it! The tiredness is definitely back, I feel large and in charge, and if I have to pee one more time, I swear....

So here are a few updates:
Weight: + 20-24 lbs (still in the appropriate range!)
Waist line: 41 inches - eek!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baby Boy's Room

The room is done! We also added a second heating vent for the room to make it extra warm. (If you've ever stayed in that room in the winter, you'd understand!) Now we just need to wait on the furniture and blinds! YEAH!

Day Five/Six: The All Nighter!

Picture #1: Tom finished taping off the room and is now taking at tea break at about 10:30 pm

Picture #2: Tom officially opening the paint!

Picture #3: Tom bet me he could be done by 1 am with 1 coat. He ended up working straight through until 5:40 am with both coats! It's done!

Picture #4: Removing the last piece of tape!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day Two: Tom Sanding the Nail Pops

Day One: Tom Patching All 20 Nail Pops!

Last Weekend: The Baby's Room is Empty

Strange Medical Conditions

Overall, pregnancy has been great for me and I'm NOT complaining. But I have had a bunch of weird medical "things" going on.
  • Lynne convinced me I have a stress fracture in my right foot...feels right
  • When I walk a certain way or bend over, it feels like a nail is being driven into my left really hurts
  • On my left thumb, I have a new funky bump on my knuckle
  • On my right thumb, I think I have a flesh eating disease...seriously!
  • My back hurts a lot, even when just sitting down! 3 times I've gone to the movies and about an hour into each, my back is killing me
  • Sleeping has been tricky. If I sleep on my side, my shoulder will hurt or my arm will go numb. How fun!

Ok, that's the major ones for now. :)