Yesterday I went to my 1st "every 2 week" visit. The baby's heart rate was 144, up from the last time when it was 138.
I was very excited because I saw my favorite doctor out of the practice. She came in and we had a 20 + minute book discussion. Now I love her even more! She is so well read and into children, teen and adult books. She was even about to start Twilight! Plus, she looked at my green toe nail plus and said, "Oh! I wish I was that ballsy!" I mean, seriously, wouldn't you want this doctor to deliver your baby? I do!
Also, I asked my doctor about my weird flesh eating disease on my thumb. She thought it was some sort of fungus and recommended I get a jock itch cream for it! WHAT?! I have jock itch on my thumb?! I don't get it!